Today’s look was shot up in the beautiful mountains of Santa Barbara and features this beautiful chakra necklace made from tigers eye and various other crystals that make up each of the chakras. I have always felt a special connection to tigers eye. Tigers eye is known as the stone of protection and can also be stabilizing and grounding. It has been known to enhance integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity. Tiger’s eye is also a very protective stone which is especially enhanced during travel. It can also help one see clearly without illusion. Tiger’s eye brings a special boost to the solar plexus chakra and to one’s personal power. So having the gemstone chakra design, to represent each of the chakras, will help to make this even stronger. Tigers eye is a copper colored stone that glimmers hints of opal, blues/purples and yellows in the sunlight. Other outfit details will be listed below.

necklace – Vintage
top – Urban Outfitters
shorts – LF
duster – Spell Designs
shoes – Jeffrey Campbell
sunglasses – UNIF
hat – UNIF
Photos by John Pierpont